Lola Facendo unha empanada

Lola Sangiao making a empanada

The Cultural Association Friends of Empanada organizes multiple activities throughout the year with the aim of revitalizing the village of A Bandeira through culture and gastronomy. Below are the main events:


Sesión vermú do Recuncar

Vermouth session

Comida da veciñanza no Recuncar

Meal at the Recuncar

The village of A Bandeira has always stood out for its cultural and social activity. El Recuncar was born in 2022 with the aim of bringing together all the neighbors for a full day of celebration. Endless food and drink blend in perfect harmony with the festivities, including karaoke, traditional games, a proclamation, and music until late hours in the heart of the village.


Camion durante a procesion

Trucks during the procession

 Actuación de Xirandola no San Cristovo

Xirandola performance in Saint Christopher

The Saint Christopher is one of the longest-standing traditions in A Bandeira. The popular procession and blessing of trucks and other vehicles culminate in a large free mussel feast accompanied by music. The tradition of Xirandola and various musical groups complete a day that pays homage to professionals in the transportation industry.


Público bailando no Entroido de Verán

People dancing in the Summer Carnival


A Bandeira has shown since 2017 that Carnival can also be celebrated in the middle of July. Numerous hours of music and activities for all ages liven up this new festive tradition where there are no restrictions when it comes to choosing a costume..


Estrea do cartel da Festa da Empanada

Unveiling of the Empanada Festival Poster

Ruta da Empanada

Empanada Route

On April 8th, World Empanada Day is celebrated worldwide. As expected, A Bandeira, the gastronomic capital of this dish, commemorates the day with a grand Empanada Gala. During the gala, a live cooking demonstration of an empanada takes place, and the Defenders of Empanada and its gastronomic event are announced. These Defenders are responsible for promoting and defending the gastronomic celebration and Galician empanadas. The gala, which involves the participation of numerous local associations, is complemented by an empanada route, where people can visit various bars in the village to taste different empanadas.


Asistentes ao Bingo Empanada.

Attendance at the Empanada Bingo

Premios do Bingo Empanada

Prizes at the Empanada Bingo

Friends of Empanada organizes fun bingos throughout the year, bringing together dozens of neighbors from the area with the aim of winning the numerous prizes donated by local businesses. These bingos take place at the Social Center of A Bandeira (Parchís).